I was told that I need a noise study. What do I need to provide to start the process?
A: The information that we need depends on the type of project, but to begin with, we typically need project plans and information on the project location. If the request for the noise study has been provided in writing, this would also be helpful to us in the preparation of our quote, but if not, we have vast experience working with different municipalities and can assist you in determining the exact requirements. We will use this information to formulate a proposal for your review and approval.
What types of studies do you provide?
A: At this time, we currently provide acoustical and air quality/greenhouse gas studies. Please refer to our Services page for a complete and detailed overview of our offerings.
Where do you perform services?
A: Our area of service varies greatly depending on the type of project. We have performed work all over the State of California and into the States of Nevada and Arizona. The vast majority of our work is conducted in Southern California. We are happy to take any inquiries regarding work but, in the interest of providing cost-effective services to the client, may provide a referral to another consultant.
How much do your services typically cost?
A: The cost of our services can vary based on a number of factors, including but not limited to the level of detail required by the client or the reviewing agency, the size/scope of the project, the project’s distance from our office, and other such factors. We have a customer-oriented approach to doing business which allows us to offer highly competitive bids with a superior final product. Please contact us for a project-specific quote.
How quickly can you complete my noise study?
A: Our turnaround time is highly dependent on the scope of work required, the receipt of all requested information, our current workload, and other such factors, so the turnaround time can vary. Once we have a chance to review the specifics of your project and determine the level of effort, we can provide you with an estimated turnaround time. Rush service can also be provided for an additional fee. We have a reputation for providing proposals and reports in a timely manner and ensure that the final product meets our high standard of quality.
I live in a multifamily residential building and need a sound test for my floor. Is this something you provide?
A: Yes, our firm offers floor/ceiling acoustical testing services. Often times, the homeowners’ association has specific floor/ceiling ratings that must be met in flooring installation. If this is the case, please be prepared to provide this information to us prior to the determined test date. Please note that, in order to conduct such testing, we require access to the unit with the flooring in place as well as the unit below, so you will need to coordinate any testing with your downstairs neighbor. Please contact us to discuss specifics and obtain a cost estimate. We also encourage you to visit the Glossary on our website to become more familiar with the methodology and terminology associated with this testing.
I am using a product in my flooring installation that has specified a very high IIC rating. Why do I still need to have sound testing performed on my floor?
A: While product manufacturers often provide acoustical ratings, these ratings only apply to the product when used in a specific assembly, but do not apply to the product alone. As sound ratings are dependent on all elements of a floor/ceiling assembly, a test must be performed to determine the product’s performance in that particular setting.
Why can’t I just take noise measurements with an app on my smart phone?
A: Our measurement equipment is laboratory-calibrated and must meet strict tolerances to conform with current standards for acoustical measurements, including the capability to accurately measure average noise levels, specific frequencies, and other such factors. A smart phone app or sound level meter that does not meet industry standards will not provide this level of accuracy and would not be accepted in a professional setting. Without the proper equipment and training, it is very easy to take measurements with misleading results.
What are your qualifications?
A: Our consultants are highly qualified to perform this work and hold academic degrees in the field of Acoustics. There is currently no licensure for acoustical consulting in the State of California. Our firm is included on the County of San Diego Approved CEQA Consultant List. We are also a member of the National Council of Acoustical Consultants (NCAC), a firm that recognizes expert Acoustical Consultants based on proven experience in the field and requires adherence to a strict Canon of Ethics supporting high standards of business practice and consulting services. In addition, in order to stay up-to-date with the most current standards and technologies available, our staff maintains memberships with various organizations including the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE), and American Society of Testing & Materials (ASTM) Committee E33 (Acoustics). Specific project experience and resumes can be provided upon request, if needed.
Can you solve my noise problem?
A: As noise is a highly subjective issue, each person will respond to different levels of noise in their own unique way. While we cannot guarantee complete elimination of the noise problem will be achieved with our services, we can certainly provide thorough and creative recommendations for the reduction of sound based on our assessment of the issue at hand. Please contact us to get started–we would be happy to assist!